Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chevron Tutorial w/ Scotch Tape

Hey everyone! So one of the entries for my 100 Follower Giveaway, I asked you all what are some tutorials or manis you would like me to do!

Rainbowify Me asked for a scotch tape mani and Ashely and Marissa asked for a chevron tutorial. I recently saw this video that combines the two ideas together so I  thought I would give it a shot! Enjoy!

*Check out my Coming Soon page to know what future manis/tutorials/swatches/ and reviews I will be doing! :)

1. Start by applying your first color of choice
 -L.A Colors: Live
2. Optional: Apply fast drying top coat
 -Seche Vite

3. Take a piece of scotch tape and place one of the corners close to the end of you nail
4. Apply color of choice & remove tape
 -Wet n Wild: Black Creme
5.Optional: Apply fast drying top coat
 -Seche Vite

6. Tape off the second polish you applied
7. Take another piece of tape and take a corner and place it near the cuticle
*Only the middle should be left un-taped
8. Apply 3rd color of choice & remove tape carefully
 -Sally Hansen: White On

9. Clean up cuticles & apply top coat
 -Seche Vite
*That's it, it was pretty easy and a lot of fun! Try this out and let me know how you liked it! :)


  1. Wow great tutorial! Never knew it could be this simple! I'm going to have to try this in the future :D

  2. Thanks for the great tutorial! From the way you are showing, it looks a lot easier than I thought it would be. :-)

    ~ Yun

  3. Looks great :) I never used tap to do designs :)

  4. Great tutorial! I am going to have to try this sometime, it looks easy enought that even I might be able to do it!

  5. Very lovely and wonderful tutorial!! :D

  6. These three are really pretty together! Great tutorial!
